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How to Fix Crack in Bathtub?

By Brandon Healey May 21, 2024 0 comments


Are you facing the dreaded sight of a crack in your bathtub? Whether it's a small fissure or a larger crevice, dealing with a crack in your bathtub can be stressful. However, fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through step-by-step instructions on how to fix a crack in your bathtub. From DIY bathtub crack repair kits to professional repair options, we'll cover everything you need to know to address this issue and restore your bathtub to its former glory.

Understanding the Severity of Damage:

Before diving into the repair process, it's essential to assess the severity of the crack in your bathtub. Minor surface cracks may only require simple DIY solutions, while larger cracks or structural damage may necessitate professional intervention. Take the time to carefully examine the crack, noting its size, location, and any associated issues such as leaks or instability.

DIY Bathtub Crack Repair Kits:

For minor cracks and surface damage, DIY bathtub crack repair kits can be a convenient and cost-effective solution. These kits typically contain everything you need to patch up small cracks and reinforce weakened areas. Most kits include epoxy resin or waterproof epoxy specifically designed for bathtub repair, along with patching materials and reinforcement tools.

Step 1: Clean the Area - Begin by thoroughly cleaning the cracked area of the bathtub using a mild detergent and water. Remove any debris, dirt, or soap residue from the surface, ensuring a clean and smooth repair.

Step 2: Apply the Epoxy Resin - Using the epoxy resin provided in the repair kit, carefully fill the crack in the bathtub. Use a putty knife or spatula to spread the resin evenly over the surface, ensuring that it fills the crack completely.

Step 3: Reinforce the Repair - Depending on the size and severity of the crack, you may need to reinforce the repair with additional patching material. Follow the instructions included in your repair kit to apply any reinforcement strips or patches over the repaired area.

Step 4: Allow to Cure - Allow the epoxy resin to cure completely according to the manufacturer's instructions. This may take several hours or overnight, depending on the product used. Once cured, the repair should be strong and durable, restoring the integrity of your bathtub.

How to Patch a Hole in a Fiberglass Bathtub:

In addition to cracks, fiberglass bathtubs may also develop holes or punctures over time. Patching these holes requires a slightly different approach but can still be accomplished using DIY repair methods.

Step 1: Clean and Prepare the Surface - Clean the area around the hole thoroughly, removing any dirt, grime, or loose fiberglass particles. Use sandpaper to roughen the surface slightly, which will help the patch adhere more effectively.

Step 2: Apply Patching Material - Using a fiberglass repair kit or epoxy resin specifically designed for fiberglass, apply a layer of patching material over the hole. Use a putty knife or spatula to spread the material evenly, ensuring that it covers the entire area of the hole.

Step 3: Reinforce as Needed - For larger holes or areas of weakness, you may need to reinforce the repair with additional layers of patching material. Follow the instructions included with your repair kit for best results.

Step 4: Allow to Cure - Allow the patching material to cure completely according to the manufacturer's instructions. Once cured, the patch should be strong and secure, restoring the integrity of your fiberglass bathtub.

Bathtub Crack Repair Cost:

The cost of repairing a cracked bathtub can vary widely depending on the severity of the damage and the chosen repair method. DIY repair kits are generally the most affordable option, with prices ranging from $20 to $100 depending on the brand and contents of the kit. Professional bathtub repair services may cost anywhere from $150 to $500 or more, depending on the extent of the damage and the expertise required.

Should I Replace My Bathtub with a Cracked Fiberglass Repair?

In some cases, replacing a bathtub with a cracked fiberglass repair may be the most practical solution, especially if the damage is extensive or if the bathtub is old and worn. However, before opting for replacement, consider the cost and inconvenience involved, as well as the availability of suitable replacement options.

Epoxy Resin and Patching Material:

Epoxy resin is a popular choice for bathtub repairs due to its strength, durability, and waterproof properties. When choosing epoxy resin for your repair project, be sure to select a product specifically designed for bathtub repair, as general-purpose epoxies may not provide the same level of performance.

Patching material such as fiberglass cloth or mesh can be used to reinforce repairs and strengthen weakened areas of the bathtub. When applying patching material, be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully for best results.


In conclusion, fixing a crack in your bathtub doesn't have to be a daunting task. With the right tools, materials, and know-how, you can restore your bathtub to its former glory and enjoy years of worry-free use. Whether you opt for a DIY repair kit or seek professional assistance, addressing bathtub cracks promptly is essential to prevent further damage and ensure the longevity of your bathtub. So roll up your sleeves, gather your supplies, and say goodbye to that unsightly crack for good!

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